
Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a unique practice of listening to the unconscious undertones of life: what one wants, and what gets in the way of achieving it. As a tool to map out and understand what our bodies and minds are communicating through symptoms such as anxiety, addiction and repetitive patterns, talk therapy can build links and bring to the foreground what has been kept hidden or secret. By understanding the function and survival mechanism of our defenses, and by connecting free-associative speech to our desires, we are given a new choice as to what we want to hold on to, and what we can let go of. In our lives we continuously straddle being present and the narrative of who we are and where we have been. Through the therapeutic experience we work towards removing obstacles to live a more creative, alive and fulfilling life with greater freedom and ability to make the choices we want.

I have extensive experience working with addiction, anxiety, creative blocks, depression, panic disorder, relationship and sexual issues, as well as the dilemmas of balancing cultural and existential disorientation that comes to the surface by immigration, family ties, or marriage.

A trained Fine Art photographer and two decades in a corporate, creative field not only attuned me to the challenges of navigating creative expression, but forged a stronger sensibility for applying it in the world at large. How do you stay true to your internal desires and curiosity yet put food on the table without too much compromising? In my clinical practice this skillset comes into focus for most people: how does one navigate this core dilemma of living creatively and richly without becoming swallowed up by demands and pressures of work, your partner, family and friends? How does one practice setting boundaries without guilt? How do you find balance in an exponentially fast-moving, demanding time where privacy seems more difficult to manage and individual competitiveness on social media are daily negotiations in feelings of failure and envy?

In my practice I work on an individualized basis to formulate an understanding of the complex underlying patterns that get in the way of feeling more creative, alive and in charge of your life. I am fluent in Swedish.